Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
This time, Mama skipped all the roller coaster rides. Too tired I guess!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Graduation day on the 29th October 2011 (UiTM) - Istiadat Konvokesyen UiTM
Prayers answered.
And being 'us',
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pre-Graduation Dinner: Faculty of Accountancy

Related Post:
Istiadat Konvokesyen Uitm Ke 75
Pregraduation Dinner 2013: Degree in Accountancy
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce - Yummyyzz
Okey, September is really a long way to go but I am not wasting my time waiting for it to come to me. So, like any normal college students, I will be spending the next 2 months getting some work experience before commencing with my degree for another 2 years.
How Cool is that eh! Tapi masa kerja tak boleh online la
I have very little time to indulge in my hobby, cooking/sewing, nevertheless I managed to squeeze some time to bake a simple breakfast for the whole family last weekend, the Bread Pudding to accompany mama’s fried bihun.
The first thing to do is the most fun part of all. Take the bread and basically destroy them by tearing them apart. (ganasnye).

Then, start feeling pity to these bread and pour some mixture of milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla to soothe these unlucky bread. Put some margarine and it is ready to hit the oven.

Don’t forget to prepare the custard sauce to go with this yummy pudding.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sprinkled With Love
I know I will be very busy during the final exam week so I wrote this post much earlier.It is nothing interesting. It is just about cuppies. I went really crazy with cupcakes last year and I baked hundreds of them. (*Some of you might already seen these photos on my Facebook)

Friday, April 22, 2011
UTP EduCamp 2011
On the first day, after registration and breakfast, my brother checked-in into his room at the Junior Hostel. He got a 2 bedded room. He was told that the building where he was staying was reserved for junior students. Once you get to senior year, you will be placed at another building which looks more like a really nice apartment block. Loyalty pays, that’s what they say!

On the second day, after breakfast they have to sit for IQ and English test. Then, they have to surrender all their certificates to UTP. Make sure you have all the copy of the certificates for all the achievements that you mentioned in your application form. Otherwise, you will be asked to fax the missing certificates to UTP later.
Then, come the fun part. Interview!! Yeay.
You will be divided into groups. My brother’s group received the case,’Crime Wave”. Each of the group member received a different set of recommendation to counter the Crime Wave. Each member will be called individually to explain whether he/she agree/disagree with the recommendation given and to give reasons for their agreement/disagreement to the panel. After that they had to discuss in groups and presented their opinion to the panel.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Beautiful Kalumpang
I miss the long holidays so much. I miss being together with all my siblings and most of all I miss my family trip to Kalumpang, Hulu Selangor last December which I enjoyed very much. Have you guys been there? Oh please do visit this beautiful place, you won’t be disappointed!
Private Resort
I love the serenity and tranquility of the place. We actually went to a private resort which belongs to my grand-uncle. Since it is a private resort, the place is not crowded at all and that made it fun and enjoyable for the whole family. Checkout these awesome photos!Serene

The Caretaker’s House
The Guest House

The Fish Pond

The Swimming Pool.
The swimming pool was empty when we went there due to maintenance work. But it is not a big deal coz we have the rapids to enjoy.
A Pond with beautiful Swans
There is also a small pond with beautiful swans. But I dare not go near it because, I was afraid the swans will chase me. That's what they normally do when they see a stranger right?And oh, there are orchards at the back of this private resort too! But again, we didn't get to explore the place because we were busy enjoying ourselves in the water!
Unique Landscape
And best of all,
check out the area around this private resort.
If this is not Unique, I don’t know what Is!!